Karan Pandey

My Experience

Ruloans Distribution Services Private Limited

MERN Stack Developer

Developed a Comprehensive Finance Website: Designed and implemented a finance website using React, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, Next.js, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB, enabling users to apply for loans and track their application status.

Custom Dashboards for Various Roles: Created custom dashboards for customers, employees, team leaders, admins, and HR, ensuring tailored access and functionality based on user roles.

Implemented JWT Authentication: Integrated JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication to secure user data and provide a seamless and secure login experience.

Managed Large-Scale Data Handling: Successfully handled and managed over 20,000 data entries, ensuring efficient data processing and storage with MongoDB.

Developed a Mobile Loan Application: Created the AddRupee loan application using React Native, available on the Play Store, ensuring data consistency between the website and the app for a cohesive user experience.


Codexcelerate Pvt. Ltd.

Web Developer Intern

Collaborated on UI and backend web development, leading the creation of a cutting-edge website.

Implemented API-based location search, improving site functionality and user experience.

Managed backend functions, enhancing data flow and system reliability while reducing downtime.


DUCAT (The IT Training School)

6 Month MERN Training Program

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Fusce auctor pretium lorem id ultricies. Integer tristique justo eu neque scelerisque, at fringilla elit rutrum.
